Case Studies: Social Network Analysis in Action
Summary: Used SNA to facilitate understanding of formal and informal networks for collaborating, resolving issues and influencing decisions related to water and sanitation service provision at the local, municipal, provincial and national levels.
Summary: In Nicaragua, 65% of the unemployed are under 30. Services provided by training institutions, employment agencies, and other workforce development actors are only weakly aligned with the demands of employers and job-seekers, and there is little apparent collaboration among them. It was on this basis that LINC was asked by USAID to help to design a new youth workforce development project in Nicaragua. Despite being aware of the major gaps between supply and demand, information was nonetheless very limited on specific actors and leverage points, essential ingredients to well-informed design.
Summary: LINC assisted the USAID / FTF-funded Bangladesh Rice and Diversified Crops (RDC) project to utilize network analysis combined with qualitative interviews to better understand systems dynamics and change in the network of grantees assisted by the RDC project. In its first full year of implementation, the activity goal of RDC was to improve food security through systemic changes that increase rural incomes by catalyzing market systems changes that promote a diversified farm management approach oriented to intensified rice production and/or diversification of higher-value nutrient rich crops.