Causal Loop Diagrams: Resources Required
There are no standard resource requirements for development of a CLD, as the amount of resources often depend on the consideration of a number of factors. Developing an initial map can typically take between 1 - 5 months depending on how many people are involved and the level of complexity and detail desired. Key considerations include:
- How complex is the learning question?
- What is the scope of the CLD?
- How detailed is the requested CLD?
- What is the extent of previous research and empirical knowledge about the subject of investigation?
- How many CLDs will be developed?
- Will CLDs be periodically updated or maintained?
- Will the CLD development rely on literature review alone or also on group model building with stakeholders?
- If group model building is desired, how many stakeholder will be involved in the effort?
- How accessible are the stakeholders to provide input for iterations of the CLD?
- How sophisticated will the analysis be?