About Local Works and Local Systems Practice
What is localworks?
What is localworks?
USAID's Local Works is about tapping into the creativity and resources of local communities and enabling them to drive their own development. It aims to pilot approaches and methods to strengthen local systems and networks, testing the theory that increasingly capable networks of local actors can own and lead development. One of the key principles of USAID's Local Works is using a systems lens.
For more information about Local Works click here.
What is Local Systems Practice (LSP)?
What is Local Systems Practice (LSP)?
LSP is:
- A three-year (2017 – 2020) activity supported under the Local Works program
- A consortium of six organizations led by LINC, expert in the tools presented in this LSP User's Guide and committed to locally-led development.
- The goal of the LSP activity is to better understand and enhance locally-owned and led development through application of, and learning from, systemic tools and approaches.
To learn more about the LSP activity and see our latest news, click here.